Associate Professor of Political Science
Chatham University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jennie's research primarily focuses on the role gender plays in electoral politics and governance in the United States. From civic engagement, to candidate emergence, to constituent perception of candidates, gender impacts who runs for office, why, how they are perceived, and what impact they have.
Her book Inspired Citizens: How Our Political Role
Models Shape American Politics is forthcoming with
Temple University Press.
Publications, Peer-Reviewed
“Is This the Care We Need?: An Examination of Childcare Policy in Pennsylvania." With Ashley Harden. Leckrone, J. Wesley, ed. Pennsylvania Politics and Policy: A Commonwealth Reader. Temple University Press, forthcoming.
“Campaign Trainings for Women: Collecting Puzzle for a Run for Office”with Monica Schneider. Mirya R Holman, Rachel Bernhard, Shauna Shames, and Dawn Teele (eds). Good Reasons to Run: Women and Political Candidacy. Temple University Press, (2020).
“Is This the Care We Need: An Examination of Childcare Policy in Pennsylvania” with Ashley Harden. Commonwealth. August, 2017. Vol. 19, Issue 2.
“FMLA in PA: Analysis of Family and Medical Leave Policy in The State” Commonwealth. November 2015.
“Is Participation Decline Inevitable as Generations Age? Insights from African-American Elders” with Mary Herring, Lisa J. Ficker, Cathy Lysack, Marc W. Kruman, and Peter A. Lichtenberg. In Richard Marback (Ed): Generations: Rethinking Age and Citizenship. Wayne State University Press. 2015.
Research Reports
“Pennsylvania Sexual Violence Prevention Policies and Awareness on College Campuses: What’s Working?”. The Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics. April 2019..
“FMLA In PA: A Report on Family Medical Leave in The State”. The Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics. September, 2014.
“Is This the Care We Need: An Examination of Childcare Policy in Pennsylvania”. The Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics. March, 2016.
“Women in the Pennsylvania General Assembly: The Impact of Women Legislators”. The Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics. May 2017.
Sweet-Cushman, Jennie. “Legislative vs. Executive Political Offices: How Gender Stereotypes Can Disadvantage Women in Either Office” Political Behavior. Forthcoming.
Study 1
Study 2
Study 3
Schneider, Monica, Jennie Sweet-Cushman, and Taylor Gordon. "Role Model Do No HARM: Modeling Achievable Success Inspires Social Belonging and Women’s Candidate Emergence" Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. Forthcoming.
Study 1
Study 2